Saturday, July 19, 2014

New belief discovery and Wiccan name in process!

On April 3rd of last year, I went online and searched for "What is my Wiccan name?" online and I saw a link from Select Smart displaying 24 questions on what Wicca tradition I would fit into and practice on so I ended up answering most of the questions and my result happened to be Lycian Wiccan which I never heard about at all since I'm still new to Wicca and its beliefs I also would like to practice as a Solitary Wiccan because I'm a bit uncomfortable being around lots of people and I don't talk much in groups which makes me being a quiet and shy person. I wanted to find out what my Wiccan name was since many of them are still in process on what I'd like to have and I have a lot of thoughts about what I'd like my Wicca name to be so this will take lots of research on what it may be fit for myself to have. I do love wolves because I grew up loving these animals when I was a child and a baby but I also still love other animals as well like the eagle, cat, and other animals. My discovery on Wicca will also take lots of time for me to get into since I am reading different books on Wicca/Witchcraft and the book that has questions for answering is Raymond Buckland's Complete book of Witchcraft (Wicca not mentioned beside Witchcraft). This book was different when I was reading it and I didn't know that The Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland is based on Saxon Witchcraft besides being a beginner book so, I decided to read a different Wiccan beginner book called Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin and I also read The Complete Idiots Guide to Wicca & Witchcraft by both Denise Zimmermann and Katherine A. Gleason. I enjoyed reading these 2 books and will have a lot of thinking, reading, studying, practicing and also learning on Wicca.

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